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Alexandre Picciotto

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19.03.20. ︎ C224 released on vtwonen

24.04.19. ︎ Crane released on Wohnrevue

03.04.19. ︎ Crane related inside Wohnrevue

24.07.18. ︎ C224 released on dezeen.com

18.12.18. ︎ C224 released on Springwise.com

13.11.18. ︎ C224 exhibited at the Dubaï Global Grad Show

10.10.18. ︎ C224 related inside Pupil by Student design

28.09.18. ︎ C224 included inside ECAL’s 2018 “Yearbook”

28.09.18. ︎ C224 is part of ECAL diploma exhibition, Lausanne

15.09.18. ︎ Écal Digital Market exhibited at V&A Museum, London

01.09.18. ︎ C224 released inside Frame N°124

26.07.18 ︎ C224 released on fastcompany.com

22.06.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot exhibited at Qwstion store, Lausanne

09.06.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market exhibited at Vitra, Weil am Rhein

19.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market released on Courier Della Sera

17.04.18. ︎ Instant-Collective exhibition at Ventura Future, Milan

17.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market released on Fuorisalone.it

17.04.18. ︎ Écal Digital Market exhibited at Spazio Orso, Milan

08.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market

21.03.18. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Vaielettrico

08.03.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot exhibited at Qwstion Store, Zurich

01.03.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot released on Carryology

03.01.18. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Vaielettrico

14.11.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 at Dubaï Design Week, Dubaï

29.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot for Qwstion at Vienna Design Week

29.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot for Qwstion

24.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot released on Dezeen.com

01.06.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 relesead inside Intramuros

10.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 releasead on Dezeen.com

07.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Designboom.com

06.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility released on Domusweb.it

05.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 on Letemps.ch

04.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Swissinfo.ch

04.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility at Pallazzo Litta, Milan

01.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility project

01.12.15. ︎ ED-01 inside Design d’aujourd’hui 2017, ed. Dunod

01.12.15. ︎ ED-01, Observeur du Design exhibition at the VIA gallery, Paris

Alexandre Picciotto
 59, rue Traversière
75012, Paris

Mobil : + 33 (0) 613 86 95 21

E-mail : info@alexandrepicciotto.com

Alexandre Picciotto

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