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Alexandre Picciotto

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19.03.20. ︎ C224 released on vtwonen

24.04.19. ︎ Crane released on Wohnrevue

03.04.19. ︎ Crane related inside Wohnrevue

24.07.18. ︎ C224 released on dezeen.com

18.12.18. ︎ C224 released on Springwise.com

13.11.18. ︎ C224 exhibited at the Dubaï Global Grad Show

10.10.18. ︎ C224 related inside Pupil by Student design

28.09.18. ︎ C224 included inside ECAL’s 2018 “Yearbook”

28.09.18. ︎ C224 is part of ECAL diploma exhibition, Lausanne

15.09.18. ︎ Écal Digital Market exhibited at V&A Museum, London

01.09.18. ︎ C224 released inside Frame N°124

26.07.18 ︎ C224 released on fastcompany.com

22.06.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot exhibited at Qwstion store, Lausanne

09.06.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market exhibited at Vitra, Weil am Rhein

19.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market released on Courier Della Sera

17.04.18. ︎ Instant-Collective exhibition at Ventura Future, Milan

17.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market released on Fuorisalone.it

17.04.18. ︎ Écal Digital Market exhibited at Spazio Orso, Milan

08.04.18. ︎ ECAL Digital Market

21.03.18. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Vaielettrico

08.03.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot exhibited at Qwstion Store, Zurich

01.03.18. ︎ Dot Dot Dot released on Carryology

03.01.18. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Vaielettrico

14.11.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 at Dubaï Design Week, Dubaï

29.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot for Qwstion at Vienna Design Week

29.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot for Qwstion

24.09.17. ︎ Dot Dot Dot released on Dezeen.com

01.06.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 relesead inside Intramuros

10.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 releasead on Dezeen.com

07.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Designboom.com

06.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility released on Domusweb.it

05.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 on Letemps.ch

04.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 released on Swissinfo.ch

04.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility at Pallazzo Litta, Milan

01.04.17. ︎ e-CAL 1020 for Urban Mobility project

01.12.15. ︎ ED-01 inside Design d’aujourd’hui 2017, ed. Dunod

01.12.15. ︎ ED-01, Observeur du Design exhibition at the VIA gallery, Paris


e-CAL 1020 exhibited at Palazzo Litta during Milan Design Week, from 4 april to 8 april 2017.

“Travelling in Lausanne means short distances but steep hills. This retro-fit motor e-CAL 1020 harvests downhill braking energy that would otherwise be wasted as heat, and stores it ready to send back to the wheel the moment it is needed. The further you are from the centre of the planet, the more energy you have available to you.”

Words picked-up on ︎ www.domusweb.it

Adress :
Palazzo Litta
Corso Magenta 24,
20123 Milan

Alexandre Picciotto

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